Custom CFML development

ColdFusion + Lucee

Who we are

WML Software Limited provides custom ColdFusion web development specialising in the B2B sector. Our goal is to deliver quality, cost effective solutions to help our clients achieve outstanding results.
  • Robust & flexible solutions.
  • Experienced system integrators.
  • New Zealand owned & operated.

Formed in 2001, WML Software staff provide a broad range of skills and business experience, including:

  • CFML development
  • Business analysis
  • Project management
If you would like to learn more please contact us.
Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication
- Leonardo Da Vinci

Our Projects

Here are some of the key systems we have designed and continue to maintain.


Connecting the Support Office with it's Members - sharing messages, reports, product information and more...


Allows suppliers an interface with their Client's to view payment schedules, submit invoices and provide customer sales reporting.


Design a flexible system that allows Clients to automate orders to suppliers via multiple methods including fax, email, and FTP.


Design and implement a secure gift system integrated with a custom POS system.

Get in Touch

Our team has the skills and knowledge to deliver your next ColdFusion/Lucee web project.

+64 9 4774555
PO Box 65-093, Mairangi Bay, Auckland 0754, New Zealand